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Pacific Rim Design and Development's Water-Clean Systems division introduces innovative ULTRA-PURE Water Technology... Water-Clean Model 33

“Pure Water is the World’s First and Foremost Medicine.” - Slovakian Proverb

Water-Clean Systems provides peace of mind that comes from predictable high-quality water; ultra-pure water with consistently less than 1/3 of the federally allowable arsenic. We provide consistent water quality from technology that senses and compensates for seasonal pH fluctuations and other variables so you can focus on your business objectives.

The Water-Clean Systems equipment has smaller physical size and lower price than systems with comparable performance. No other system has the features and benefits available from Water-Clean Systems.

Water-Clean Systems is a new product line from Pacific Rim Design & Development Inc. (PRDD), a company that has been delivering innovative and green environmental solutions to industries and municipalities for over 30 years. The PRDD process development facility created the Model 33 technology, an innovative integration of proven technologies with the unique ability to adapt to changes in raw water chemistry.

The Water-Clean Systems Model 33 technology delivers exceptional arsenic removal with smaller equipment size, half the equipment cost, and lower operating cost than equipment with comparable removal efficiency.

Water-Clean Systems Model 33

A Ph.D. level chemist designs and develops each water treatment system to meet your specific requirements. Each project’s Process Chemistry is pre-tested in Pacific Rim Design & Development’s laboratory with your water to ensure it meets performance before the system is delivered.

Water-Clean Systems Model 33  Versatile water treatment technology with 99+% removal efficiency for metals such as cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, zinc, iron, and manganese.

Water-Clean Systems Model 33  Removes arsenic to less than 3 parts per billion.

Water-Clean Systems Model 33  Can treat both chemical and biological water contamination.

Water-Clean Systems Model 33  Adjusts to seasonal variations in water volume and pH.

Water-Clean Systems Model 33  Does not contaminate soil or kill desired organisms with reaction byproducts.

Water-Clean Systems Model 33  High-grade media provides over 100,000 backwash cycles.

Water-Clean Systems Model 33

Water-Clean Systems Model 33  Less waste and operating cost than other equipment of similar removal capabilities.

Water-Clean Systems Model 33  Smaller equipment size than equipment of similar removal capabilities.

Water-Clean Systems Model 33  Meets requirements of federal government Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) subpart D. Backwash of reactor/adsorbers is conveniently stored in cartridges that can be discarded in standard municipal waste.

Water-Clean Systems Model 33  Industry leading process control reduces operating costs & prolongs equipment lifespan.

Water-Clean Systems Model 33  Additional features are available to meet specific water treatment requirements, such as custom pH, fertilizers, integration with other water treatment systems, and more!

CO2 Capture & Repurpose
Water-Clean Systems :: Model 33
Technical Papers
NOx Breakthrough
CO2 Breakthrough
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